Er statistical techniques exist for identifying a threshold. The concept of estimating separate disease probabilities a and b below and above a threshold has been 4EGI-1 proposed by Siber et al. but no actual model was created to estimate the threshold . Other statistical approaches have focused on continuous models,which do not explicitly model a threshold. Logistic regression has often been applied ; other continuous models have included proportional hazards and Bayesian generalized linear models . Chan compared Weibull,lognormal,loglogistic and piecewise exponential models applied to varicella information . A limitation of such models is that they can’t separate exposure to illness from protection against disease given exposure,the latter getting the relationship of interest. A scaled logit model which separates exposure and protection where protection is actually a continuous function of assay value has been proposed . The scaled logit model was illustrated with information in the German pertussis efficacy trial information and has been made use of to describe the relationship among influenza assay titers and protection against influenza . Even so,these approaches usually do not explicitly permit identification PubMed ID: of a single threshold worth. Hence in spite of the basic reliance on thresholds in vaccine science and immunization policy,previous statistical models haven’t particularly incorporated a threshold parameter for estimation or testing. Within this paper,we propose a statistical method based around the suggestion in Siber et al. for estimating and testing the threshold of an immunologic correlate by incorporating a threshold parameter,which can be estimable by profile likelihood orleast squares techniques and may be tested primarily based on a modified likelihood approach. The model does not call for prior vaccination history to estimate the threshold and is therefore applicable to observational too as randomized trial information. In addition to the threshold parameter the model contains two parameters for continuous but different infection probabilities beneath and above the threshold and may be viewed as a stepshaped function where the step corresponds for the threshold. The model will probably be known as the a:b model.MethodsModel specification and fittingFor subjects i . . n,let ti represent the immunological assay value for topic i (usually immunological assay values are logtransformed ahead of creating calculations). Let Yi represent the event that subject i subsequently develops disease,and Yi the event that they don’t and represent a threshold differentiating susceptible from protected men and women. Then the model is given by P i a i b i P i a i b i where a,b represent the probability of disease beneath and above the threshold respectively and ( requires the worth when its argument in parenthesis is accurate or otherwise. Since the assay values ti are discrete observations of a continuous variable,and the likelihood and residual sum of squares are each continuous at any worth of falling among a pair of adjacent observed discrete assay values,a reasonable choice for the candidate values of are the geometric means of adjacent pairs of ordered observed assay values (i.e. the arithmetic mean of logtransformed assay values). The log with the likelihood for the model is provided byl ; b; n X iyi log i b �� yi log i b i To fit the models,closed type expressions may very well be derived by maximum likelihood or least squares for estimators of your parameters a,b but not for . The estimators for a,b remain as functions.