RAP1GAP2 Antibody

Product: Curcumol RAP1GAP2 Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against Recombinant Protein corresponding to amino acids:MFGRKRSVSFGGFGWIDKTMLASLKVKKQELANSSDATLPDRPLSPPLTAPPTMKSSEFFEMLEKMQGIKLEEQKPGPQKNKDDYIPYPSIDEVVEKGGPYPQVISpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing target protein plus 383 other non-specific…

UBN2 Antibody

Product: PH-066 UBN2 Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against Recombinant Protein corresponding to amino acids:PTLNLLPSSRTSGLPPTKNLQAPSKLTNSSSTGTVGKNSLSGIAMNVPASRGSNLNSSGANRTSLSGGTGSGTQGATKPLSTPHRPSTASGSSVVTASVQSpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing target protein plus 383 other non-specific…

C9orf170 Antibody

Product: AZ193 C9orf170 Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against Recombinant Protein corresponding to amino acids:TLTNTVEDIQIDNFRRKSDLGVGSPDWKNLLIDVTREDHENSQNNSKRRCKVNCETDQRSpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing target protein plus 383 other non-specific…

CNIH4 Antibody

Product: Eliprodil CNIH4 Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against Recombinant Protein corresponding to amino acids:VATWNIYRYIMVPSGNMGVFDPTEIHNRGQLKSHSpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing target protein plus 383 other non-specific…

Nexilin Antibody

Product: SKLB4773 Nexilin Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against Recombinant Protein corresponding to amino acids:EEERARRRAIDLEIKEREAENFHEEDDVDVRPARKSEAPFTHKVNMKARFEQMAKAREEEEQRRIEEQKLLRMQFEQREIDAALQKKREEEEEEEGSIMNGSTAEDEEQTRSGASpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing target protein plus 383 other non-specific…

CHRNB3 Antibody

Product: TP-0905 CHRNB3 Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against Recombinant Protein corresponding to amino acids:TGFNSIAENEDALLRHLFQGYQKWVRPVLHSNDTISpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing target protein plus 383 other non-specific…

MDGA1 Antibody

Product: Clioquinol MDGA1 Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against Recombinant Protein corresponding to amino acids:AHVPISPSGPFQIIFEGVRGPGYLGDIAIDDVTLKKGECPRKQTDPNKVVVMPGSGAPCQSSPQLWGPMAIFLLALQRSpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing target protein plus 383 other non-specific…

VAX2 Antibody

Product: Ranirestat VAX2 Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against a recombinant protein corresponding to the following amino acid sequence:RRAESGGGGGRCGDRSGAGDLRADGGGHSPTEVAGTSASSPAGSRESGADSDGQPGPGEADHCRRILVRDAKGTIREIVLPKGLDLDRPKRTSpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing target protein…

TMEM188 Antibody

Product: PKC-IN-3 TMEM188 Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against a recombinant protein corresponding to the following amino acid sequence:(HKRVVAPSIIAARCRTVLAEYNMSCDDTGKLILKPRPHVQ,)SpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing target protein…

Myosin 1C Antibody

Product: RI-4 Myosin 1C Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against a recombinant protein corresponding to the following amino acid sequence:GEEETLRRLGLERNPQSYLYLVKGQCAKVSSINDKSDWKVVRKALTVIDFTEDEVEDLLSIVASVLHLGNIHFAANEESNAQVTTENQLKYLTRLLSVEGSTLREALTHRKIIAKGEELLSPLNLEQAAYARDALAKAVYSRTFTWLVSpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing target…