NADK Antibody

Product: Loxapine (succinate) NADK Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against a recombinant protein corresponding to the following amino acid sequence:VYVEKKVLEDPAIASDESFGAVKKKFCTFREDYDDISNQIDFIICLGGDGTLLYASSLFQGSVPPVMAFHLGSLGFLTPFSFENFQSSpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing target…

FAM76A Antibody

Product: BVT 2735 FAM76A Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against a recombinant protein corresponding to the following amino acid sequence:(QMRAKMNQMEKTHKEVTEQLQVTDSAYFMC,)SpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing target…

TSR3 Antibody

Product: Tolazoline (hydrochloride) TSR3 Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against a recombinant protein corresponding to the following amino acid sequence:FLANAKESPQEEEIDPFDVDSGREFGNPNRPVASTRLPSDTDDSDASEDPSpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing target…

NDUFV2 Antibody

Product: Tetracaine NDUFV2 Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against a recombinant protein corresponding to the following amino acid sequence:(MFFSAALRARAAGLTAHWGRHVRNLHKTAMQNGAGGALFVHRDTPENNPDTPFDFTPENYKRIEAIVKNY,)SpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing target protein…

NELF-E Antibody

Product: Aminohippurate (sodium) NELF-E Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against a recombinant protein corresponding to the following amino acid sequence:LLALKKQSSSSTTSQGGVKRSLSEQPVMDTATATEQAKQLVKSGAISAIKAETKNSGFKRSRTLEGKLKDPEKGPVPTFQPFQRSISADDDLQESSRRPQRKSLYESFVSSSDRLRELGPDGSpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing target…

DDX18 Antibody

Product: Fluphenazine (dihydrochloride) DDX18 Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against a recombinant protein corresponding to the following amino acid sequence:ETMGSRKVKKSKQKPMNVGLSETQNGGMSQEAVGNIKVTKSPQKSTVLTNGEAAMQSSNSESSpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing target…

ANKRD11 Antibody

Product: Diphenidol (hydrochloride) ANKRD11 Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against a recombinant protein corresponding to the following amino acid sequence:LSCPSYEEVMHTPRTPSCSADDYADLVFDCADSQHSTPVPTAPTSACSPSFFDRFSVASSGLSENASQAPARPLSTNLYRSVSVDIRRTPEEEFSVGSpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing target…

MYCBP Antibody

Product: Methacholine (chloride) MYCBP Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against a recombinant protein corresponding to the following amino acid sequence:MAHYKAADSKREQFRRYLEKSGVLDTLTKVLSpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing target…

FAM13B1 Antibody

Product: Procainamide (hydrochloride) FAM13B1 Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against a recombinant protein corresponding to the following amino acid sequence:SPSLSNCNSVLANKIFGIPLDELQQGGHPDNEVPFIVRHVVDYIEEHGGLEQQGLFQVNGNAETVEWLRQRYDSGEEVDLVKEADVPSAISpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing target…

Colec12 Antibody

Product: Lindane Colec12 Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against a recombinant protein corresponding to the following amino acid sequence:GYKVVEKMDNVTGGMETSRQTYDDKLTAVESDLKKLGDQTGKKAISTNSELSTFRSDILDLRQQLREITEKTSKNKDTLEKLQSpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing target protein…