CDX2 Antibody

Product: Bulleyaconitine A CDX2 Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against a recombinant protein corresponding to the following amino acid sequence:MYVSYLLDKDVSMYPSSVRHSGGLNLAPQNFVSPPQYPDYGGYHVASpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing target…

EPB41 Antibody

Product: Ponesimod EPB41 Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against a recombinant protein corresponding to the following amino acid sequence:ESVPEPRPSEWDKRLSTHSPFRTLNINGQIPTGEGPPLVKTQTVTISDNANAVKSEIPTKDVPIVHTETKTSpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing target protein…

UACA Antibody

Product: UNC2027 (hydrochloride) UACA Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against a recombinant protein corresponding to the following amino acid sequence:MTLNDTLAKTNRELLDVKKKFEDINQEFVKIKDKNEILKRNLENTQNQIKAEYISLAEHEAKMSSLSQSMRKVQDSNAEILANYRKGQEEIVTLHAEIKAQKKSpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing target…

ACSL3 Antibody

Product: Thiamet G ACSL3 Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against a recombinant protein corresponding to the following amino acid sequence:KSNRIKAKPVNSKPDSAYRSVNSLDGLASVLYPGCDTLDKVFTYAKNKFKNKRLLGTSpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing target…

Trophinin Antibody

Product: Entrectinib Trophinin Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against a recombinant protein corresponding to the following amino acid sequence:NLPVITQISQALPTTEVTNTQASSVTAQPKKANKMKRVTAKAAQGSQSPTGHEGGTIQLKSPLQVLKLPVISQNIHAPIANESSpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing target protein…

OBFC2A Antibody

Product: PT-2387 OBFC2A Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against a recombinant protein corresponding to the following amino acid sequence:EPNPDYRGQQNKGAQSEQKNNSMNSNMGTGTFGPVGNGVHTGPESREHQFSHAGRSNGRGLINPQLQGTASNQTVMTTISNGRDPRRAFKSpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing target protein…

FAM125B Antibody

Product: AZD9498 FAM125B Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against a recombinant protein corresponding to the following amino acid sequence:KLIDIKDTLPVGFIPIQETVDTQEVAFRKKRLCIKFIPRDSTEAAICDIRIMGRTKQAPPQYTFIGELNSMGIWYRMSpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing target protein…

PPAR alpha/NR1C1 Antibody

Product: AZD9498 (maleate) PPAR alpha/NR1C1 Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against a recombinant protein corresponding to the following amino acid sequence:FGRMPRSEKAKLKAEILTCEHDIEDSETADLKSLAKRIYEAYLKNSpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing…

U1A Antibody

Product: EGF818 U1A Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against a recombinant protein corresponding to the following amino acid sequence:PGLAPGQIPPGAMPPQQLMPGQMPPAQPLSENPPNHILFLTNLPSpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing target protein…

BTBD11 Antibody

Product: EGF818 (mesylate) BTBD11 Antibody Summary ImmunogenThis antibody was developed against a recombinant protein corresponding to the following amino acid sequence:CAKSINTDNCVDIYNHAKFLGVTELSAYCEGYFLKNMMVLIENEAFKQLLYDKNGEGTGQDVLQDLQRTLAIRIQSIHLSSSKGSVVSpecificitySpecificity of antibody verified on a Protein Array containing target…