Ses (Figure 1c,d). From the evaluation of the qualitative attributes, as in Exp 1, a good impact of Ombitasvir Inhibitor Azoxystrobin on freshness indicators (VA, Od, YI) occurred. The VA and Od progressively worsen throughout storage inside the 3 therapies. Having said that, the price of deterioration is reduced in Azo and greater in YBA (Figure 2d,e).Agronomy 2021, 11,11,FOR PEER Overview Agronomy 2021, x7 of 7 of 1419.0 18.(Exp 1)(Exp 2)a a aO2nsb18.0 17.five 17.2.0 1.nsnsnsbb b b bCAzo(a)(c)CAzoYBACAzoCAzoYBACO21.0 0.ns ns ns ns nsa a ba a ba a b(b)0.0 0 five ten 15(d)Storage time (d)Storage time (d)Figure 1. And carbon dioxide (CO concentration trend inside the packages through the storage with the wild rocket treated Figure 1. and carbon dioxide (CO2) 2) concentration trendinside the packages for the duration of the storage in the wild rocket treated with Azoxystrobin (Azo) preharvest in Exp 1 (a,b), with Azoxystrobin (Azo) atat preharvest inExp 1 (a,b), and with Azoxystrobin or an algae-based biostimulant (YBA) in in with Azoxystrobin or an algae-based biostimulant (YBA) Exp 2 (c,d), and of of that relating for the untreated handle (C). Vertical bars indicate SD (n(n 3). ns, and indicatetest not Exp two (c,d), and that relating for the untreated control (C). Vertical bars indicate SD = =3). ns, and indicate F F test not Agronomysignificant, FOR PEERat P 0.05 and substantial at P P 0.01, respectively. Separation of imply inside the days in the of 15 2021, 11, x substantial at P 0.05 important, substantial Overview and important at 0.01, respectively. Separation of imply inside the days in the start out 8 get Loracarbef Protocol started of storage by SNK test= 0.05). Distinctive decrease case case letter denotes significant differences. of storage by SNK test (P (P = 0.05). Diverse decrease letter denotes substantial variations.Visual appearance4 3 2nsFrom the evaluation with the qualitative attributes, a positive effect of Azoxystrobin on (Exp 1) (Exp 2) freshness indicators (VA, Od, YI) is normally highlighted. The VA and Od progressively ns worsen through storage in each remedies, but with lessaintensity in Azo (Figure 2a,b).C Azons nsns b b a b b a b b a b bns (a)(d)CAzoYBAnsns ns ns nsCAzoOdor3 2b b(b)Figure two. Cont.(e)CAzoYBAindexCAzoaa aa aOdo3 two 1ns ns b b8 ofAgronomy 2021, 11,(b)(e)CAzoYBAYellowness indexC 75ns ns ns Azoaa a b a b ns ns nsa a b(c)60 0 5 ten 15(f)C 5AzoYBAStorage time (d)Storage time (d)Figure two. Trend of thethe visual appearance, odor and yellowindex during the storage from the wild rocket treated with from the wild rocket treated with Figure 2. Trend of visual appearance, odor and yellow index through the Azoxystrobin (Azo) at preharvest in Exp 1 (a), andand with Azoxystrobin an algae-based biostimulant (YBA) in Exp Azoxystrobin (Azo) at preharvest in Exp 1 (a), with Azoxystrobin or or an algae-based biostimulant (YBA) in two (d), and of that of that relating for the untreated manage (C). Vertical bars indicate SD(n =3). ns, and indicate FF test not Exp two (d), and relating for the untreated control (C). Vertical bars indicate SD (n = 3). ns, and indicate test not significant, FOR PEER Review 0.05 andsignificant at P 0.01, respectively. Separation of imply inside the days in the commence Agronomy 2021, 11, x significant atat P significant, substantial P 0.05 and significant at P 0.01, respectively. Separation of mean within the days in the 9 of 15 get started of storage by SNK test (P0.05). Various lower case letter denotes considerable differences. of storage by SNK test (P = = 0.05). Unique low.