And detectiondistance derived from the simulated canopy Biocytin Biological Activity thickness detection experiment, the detection distance derived from the simulated canopy thickness detection experiment, the two lines inside the figure are almost parallel to each other. is usually considered that there’s is two lines within the figure are just about parallel to every other. ItIt might be regarded that there no interaction involving the two things of canopy density and and detection distance canopy no interaction 3-Hydroxyacetophenone web between the two things of canopy densitydetection distance on the around the detection thickness inside the applicable range, or the or the interaction involving the two canopy detection thickness inside the applicable range, interaction involving the two things of canopy density and detection distance on the on the detection thickness is often can be variables of canopy density and detection distance canopycanopy detection thicknessignored.ignored. Table 7 shows the information table of the interaction effect of canopy thickness and detection distance on canopy thickness, and Figure 10 shows the schematic diagram of the interaction effect of canopy thickness and detection distance on canopy thickness. The can-Agriculture 2021, 11,It can be noticed in Figure 9 that inside the applicable range of canopy density and detection distance derived in the simulated canopy thickness detection experiment, the two lines in the figure are pretty much parallel to every other. It might be deemed that there is no interaction in between the two aspects of canopy density and detection distance on the 11 of 15 canopy detection thickness inside the applicable variety, or the interaction between the two elements of canopy density and detection distance on the canopy detection thickness might be ignored. Table 7 shows the information table of your interaction effect ofof canopy thickness and detecthe data table of the interaction effect canopy thickness and detection Table distance on canopy thickness, and and Figure ten the schematic diagram with the on the intion distance on canopy thickness,Figure 10 showsshows the schematic diagraminteraction effect of effect of canopy and detection distance distance thickness. The canopy density teraction canopy thickness thickness and detectionon canopyon canopy thickness. The canof this experiment is 3. opy density of this experiment is 3.Table 7. Discrimination interaction experiment information three. Table 7. Discrimination interaction experiment data 3.Things Things Canopy thickness 1 1 Canopy thickness Canopy thickness 2 2 Canopy thicknessDetection Distance 1 1 Detection Distance 33.4 33.four 58.0 58.Detection Distance 2 Detection Distance two 32.six 32.six 55.2 55.Figure ten. Diagram in the interaction between detection distance and canopy thickness. Figure ten. Diagram from the interaction among detection distance and canopy thickness.It can be seen in Figure ten that the two lines inside the graph are roughly parallel It may be observed in Figure 10 that the two lines inside the graph are roughly parallel withinthe applicable array of canopy thickness and detection distance derived from the within the applicable range of canopy thickness and detection distance derived from the simulated canopy thickness detection experiment, and it might also be seen that there isn’t any simulated canopy thickness detection experiment, and it may also be noticed that there’s no interaction amongst the two variables of simulated canopy thickness and detection distance interaction involving the two elements of simulated canopy thicknes.