De, and suicide, all of which were leading Causes of AI/AN pediatric death.31,38 In states with reservations, an estimated 65 of motor vehicle—related deaths, 75 of suicides, and 80 of homicides among AI/ANs involved alcohol.Note. AI/AN = American Indian/Alaska Native; CI = confidence interval; RR = price ratio. Analyses are restricted to CysLT2 Gene ID persons of non-Hispanic origin. AI/AN race is reported from death certificates or by way of linkage with all the Indian Overall health Service HDAC list patient registration database. Rates are per one hundred 000 persons and are age-adjusted to the 2000 US normal population (11 age groups; Census P25-1130).27 RRs are calculated in SEERStat prior to rounding of rates and may not equal RRs calculated from rates presented in table. Indian Well being Service regions are defined as follows: AKa; Northern Plains (IL, IN,a IA,a MI,a MN,a MT,a NE,a ND,a SD,a WI,a WYa); Southern Plains (OK,a KS,a TXa); Southwest (AZ,a CO,a NV,a NM,a UTa); Pacific Coast (CA,a ID,a OR,a WA,a HI); East (AL,a AR, CT,a DE, FL,a GA, KY, LA,a ME,a MD, MA,a MS,a MO, NH, NJ, NY,a NC,a OH, PA,a RI,a SC,a TN, VT, VA, WV, DC). % regional coverage of AI/AN persons in Contract Wellness Service Delivery Location counties to AI/AN persons in all counties: Northern Plains = 64.eight ; Alaska = one hundred ; Southern Plains = 76.3 ; Southwest = 91.3 ; Pacific Coast = 71.3 ; East = 18.two ; total US = 64.two . Supply. AI/AN Mortality Database (AMD 1990009). a Identifies states with 1 county designated as Contract Well being Service Delivery Area. P .05.S324 | Analysis and Practice | Peer Reviewed | Wong et al.American Journal of Public Overall health | Supplement three, 2014, Vol 104, No. SRESEARCH AND PRACTICETABLE 4–Leading Rankable Causes of Pediatric Deaths and Typical Annual Death Rates for American Indians/Alaska Natives, Compared With Whites, 19 years: Contract Health Service Delivery Area Counties, United states of america, 1999AI/AN Age, Years/Cause of Death 1 Unintentional injuries Homicide Congenital malformations Malignant neoplasms Illnesses of heart Influenza and pneumonia Septicemia five Unintentional injuries Malignant neoplasms Congenital malformations Homicide Influenza and pneumonia Illnesses of heart Septicemia 104 Unintentional injuries Intentional self-harm/suicide Homicide Malignant neoplasms Congenital malformations Illnesses of heart Septicemia 159 Unintentional injuries Intentional self-harm/suicide Homicide Malignant neoplasms Diseases of heart Congenital malformations Influenza and pneumonia 1 2 3 four 5 6 7 1435 564 232 76 44 27 15 84.6 33.two 13.eight 4.four 2.6 1.six 0.9 ten 797 2994 878 1091 451 343 130 32.7 9.1 2.7 three.three 1.4 1.0 0.four two.59 (two.45, two.73) 3.65 (3.33, four.00) 5.17 (4.46, five.99) 1.34 (1.05, 1.69) 1.89 (1.35, 2.58) 1.51 (0.98, two.23) 2.22 (1.21, 3.80) 1 two three four 5 six 7 309 101 31 30 22 16 13 17.7 five.7 1.8 1.7 1.three 0.9 0.7 2198 412 178 705 272 189 58 6.9 1.3 0.6 2.2 0.9 0.six 0.2 2.57 (2.27, two.89) 4.50 (three.58, 5.61) three.15 (2.08, 4.64) 0.77 (0.52, 1.11) 1.48 (0.91, 2.29) 1.56 (0.87, 2.60) four.06 (two.04, 7.50) 1 two three four five six 7 244 33 28 16 14 11 15.six 2.1 1.8 1.0 0.9 0.7 0.6 1518 708 257 149 58 114 37 five.two two.four 0.9 0.5 0.two 0.4 0.1 2.98 (two.60, three.42) 0.86 (0.59, 1.22) 2.02 (1.32, three.00) two.00 (1.11, 3.36) 4.52 (two.33, eight.20) 1.78 (0.86, three.31) 4.49 (1.91, 9.48) 1 two 3 4 five six 7 358 73 66 32 28 23 22 29.three five.9 five.4 two.7 two.three 1.9 1.8 2257 378 630 588 173 145 104 10.two 1.7 two.8 2.7 0.8 0.7 0.5 two.88 (2.57, 3.22) 3.48 (2.67, four.48) 1.88 (1.44, two.43) 1.00 (0.68, 1.43) 2.91 (1.88, 4.36) two.87 (1.76, 4.48) 3.79 (two.27, 6.04)aWhite Rate Count Rate AI/AN.